If you love dogs this blog will certainly make you smile and feel good.

Hanging with my fur babies is fun, I make sure they are always having a good time, and feel comfortable, whether I see them just for a walk, a sitting or a bath appointment.  To me it’s just another fun day, to others it might seem repetitive as they see me walking them all the time.

If you love what you do, you will do it with Passion.  I never get tired of my job.  It doesn’t feel like I am working.

Yes, it is a big responsibility and at times requires a lot of patience, care, discipline…  and oh yes you need to have lots of energy!!!!

Most of my days are full of surprises!  When I think all I have is one dog to walk, or just a bath to give, most of the time it ends up with last minute texts and calls from my clients asking me to come over and check on their babies or to bring them over to my place.

Another aspect I love about my job is all the memories I have.  I take soooo many pictures and so many videos that I wish I had an Iphone with a least one terabyte so I don’t have to delete them 🙂

I am always posting them online and sending to my clients throughout the day.  It’s a very good feeling, almost like a therapy.  It calms me down and makes me happy all at the same time whenever I picture myself looking at them.

I hope you like my blog, I will promise all that you’ll see and read in here will fill your heart with great feelings. ❤️

Also keep your eyes open on a few tips here and there on where to get the best gear for your furry baby.

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